Posts tagged rambo
Rambo 5 – The savage hunt?
1Enligt Comingsoon kan en femte Rambofilm vara på gång. Troligen baserad på boken Hunter av James Byron Higgins, som Stallone äger filmrättigheterna till. Enligt IMDB väntas den komma ut 2011. Den intresserade kan hitta mer information om Rambo-filmerna på engelska Wikipedia.
Storyn som publicerats är:
John Rambo could track anyone – or anything – on earth. Now the military desperately needs him for a mission that his ultrasensitive instincts tell him he should refuse. A beast is loose somewhere north of the Artic Circle. It has already decimated a secret research facility and annihilated a squad of elite military guards. And the raging creature is headed south toward civilization, ready to wreak bloody devastation.
It’s a job that Rambo and his 22-year-old hunting partner, Beau Brady, can’t turn down, but they and a team of highly-skilled special forces kill team discover that the prey is a terror beyond their wildest imagination – a half-human abomination created by a renegade agency through a series of outlawed genetic experiments. It has man’s cunning, a predator’s savageness, and a prehistoric power that has transcended the ages. And even if Rambo and Beau survive its unrelenting hunger for human blood, they’ll still have to contront the grim reality that it may have grown immortal.